How can you help
We have maintained this project with our own economic resources. Now days, it is very hard for us to sustain it. The areas to feed the animals are starting to be limited for proper feeding.
Hogar Animal Mendian Esnatu needs your help and collaboration.
We have come up with an unique opportunity to keep sustaining this project and the animals living here. The near by farm and meadows are for sale. Our intention is to expand the facilities, to improve animals conditions and give the opportunity to new ones who need it.
Expand the extention of meadows for animals needs. In addition, also acquire stables and adequate facilities to be able to store fodder for the whole year.
To use the farm house as rural turism location for families and people. This way, we will generate income that will allow us to pay all the bills derivated from (veterinarians, fodder, feed, castrations, vaccines, antibiotics, fencing, etc…)
Hogar Animal Mendian Esnatu needs your HELP to raise an initial amount of money and thus be able to access a loan to make the new project happen.
We do not have much time!
If we are not able to carry out this project, surely we will have to reconsider looking for another place for many of the animals living here. That would mean separating them from their herd and, the bond we have with them, and from this wonderful place. Along with our childrem, they are the most important thing in our lives.

We love them with all our souls and we are going to
achieve this goal because they deserve that and much more!
Join this cause! With your contribution we will achieve it!
Your donation helps the animals living here and also safe guard urgent cases in need.